Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Products of 2010

1. MacBook Pro
2. Iphone 4
3. UGGs
4. Ipad
5. Sony A55 camera
6. Facebook
UGGs, Iphone 4, and Facebook
1. They are all marketed online, also the Iphone is marketed on tv.
2. Target market:
   UGGs- Females and males of all ages.
   Iphone 4-Teens, adults with higher income
   Facebook- Females and males of all ages.
3. Special features:
UGGs- so many designs
Iphone 4-Facetime, multitasking
Facebook-Like button, group pages
4. Online, Television, billboards.
5. Yes they all do, Facebook is a social media site.
6. Competitors:
UGGs- Bear paw
Iphone 4- Droid
Facebook- Myspace

Monday, December 6, 2010

MMB 12/6/10

Facebook and the new look
1. Facebooks new look that they are introducing today is they show  people all your information on your homepage. When you go to someones facebook page you get more information about them at the top of thier profile.
2. Not everyone will have this new look today.
3. The reason for the change was to give more information.
4. The large flare up with facebook right now is that it gives away too much information about someone. They are not private, and reveal alot.
5. Online reputation company Rapleaf sent some interesting statistics about the most prominent opensocial companies.
6. Facebook is not coming out with a phone, they are just making apps for the phone.
7. They had opportunities from Yahoo, and other companies for tons of money.
8. The 60 minutes video was interviews mostly with Zuckerburg. Talking about the company, and if they are trying to take over internet.
9. I dont like the new design at all. I think you can see the informations if you want it dosnt have to be right there when you go to their page. Its also more complicated.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Extra Credit 12/1/10

   This article talks about Social Media as our gateway to discovery and interconnection. This blog states that we get out of it what we put into it. Brian Solis states that we are basically what we share and who we know. This isn’t about connecting with anyone and everyone; this is about connecting with the right people, at the right time, and in the right place.
    In the blog, Solis shows the goals for brands in social networks are manyfold…
1. Build communities and relationships
2. Create brand lift
3. Activate communities to take action
4. Establish goodwill
5. Evolve social from a cost center to also a profit center
    Brian is showing us that not only are these social medias simply fun and a way to connect with friends, you are also connecting with the world and can use the social network for so much more.

MMB 11/29/10

According to the survey, 212 million shoppers visited stores and websites this past Black Friday weekend (Thurs., Fri., Sat. and Sun.), up from 195 million last year. People also spent more, with the average shopper spending $365.34, up from last year's $343.31. Total spending reached an estimated $45 billion.

Today is also an important day to retailers because it is, Cyber Monday. This year, retailers swamped customers with online ads and e-mail deals, and sales could top $1 million.This was an increased amount from cyber monday last year, but not as great as the sales on black friday.

Small businesses can often be swallowed up by the masses of advertising put out by larger competitors. The weekend after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping weekend of the year and everyone is looking for a deal. Instead of sitting back and praying for a little exposure during the holidays, try getting out there with your own brand of “deals.”